Full Circle CMT LLC

Massage/Bodywork, with Elizabeth Beemer ACMT, DAFNS

Massage in Schools Programme Instructor

  • Nurturing Touch for Children Elizabeth is a Massage in Schools Programme Instructor, bringing nurturing touch into childrens' lives in a respectful, fun, interactive way.

    • The MISP routine was carefully constructed over many years, designed for children ages 4-12 to perform on their peers. The MISP, advocates a new educational and family approach to massage, to encourage rapport and healthy, positive interactions between children-to-children and parent-to-child. The basic routine consists of a series of simple movements that evoke images, thereby engaging the child's natural faculty of imagination. The Baker, The Bear Walk, The Cat Grip, Ice Skating, Brushing the Horse, are the names of a few of these fun techniques.

      Children learn the same routine all around the world. They do these movements over clothes on each others back, arms, and face. It is not a treatment or therapy and has proven to be effective, safe, easy to learn and enjoyable for children.

    • Storytelling with touch for children.

    Without touch, human beings do not survive or develop in a healthy way, physically, emotionally or socially. Touch, combined with care and respect, is fundamental for healthy human relationships.


Mia Elmsäter and Sylvie Hétu created the Massage in Schools Program (MISP)
in 2000, as a means of realizing their vision that every child in the world
would receive positive nurturing touch every day. MISP is a highly successful
and professional program of positive touch for children throughout the

world. It has currently been implemented in more than 25 countries and is
receiving respect throughout the world community.  
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